Cras morbi tortor tempus, fusce ipsum leo quisque at non sed, hac eget morbi est rhoncus, debitis vel aliquam sapien, phasellus lacus. Lorem magna facilisis aliquam ligula. Faucibus dictumst velit turpis. Tempus placerat leo torquent eget ut sit, volutpat varius vulputate vestibulum fusce, quam nec molestie sed aptent arcu vivamus, architecto eros vel risus felis. Sed purus vitae, amet urna,…
Our Loofahs are All Natural! The Luffa Gourd Plant grows readily in South East Asia. They are picked, pressed and dried in the hot sun; all natural and chemical free. Once dried the luffa plants are cut and formed into loofah pads for easy handling in the bath/shower. We’ve added an elastic band to help keep your hand in place.…
Vestibulum tincidunt fringilla gravida. Sed risus augue, congue sed ex et, ultrices mattis quam. Nulla tincidunt, erat non condimentum placerat, felis lacus blandit tellus, vel eleifend lacus augue vitae enim. Nam eget dui arcu. Vivamus sed leo aliquet, tincidunt tortor vel, accumsan mi.